Teaching and diversity
Being a researcher my training in how to teach was (is) near zero. Lucky me I have interacted with wonderful peers that are a great source of inspiration and information, and I am part of several active learning communities. I have decided to put everything together here to make it easier for you (and me) to walk this path.
Reflective practice
Boud, D. (2001). Using journal writing to enhance reflective practice. In English, L. M. and Gillen, M.
Teaching Biology
Biology 1151 from the College of DuPage
The Biology Hub – contribute if you can!
Open Genetics – University of Alberta
last retrieved June 17th 2015
On Reading Science
How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists by Jennifer Raff
Evaluating Information on the Web by the National Network for Immunization Information
Problems and Cases
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Case Studies in the science class:
A toolkit oriented to Sustainability Education by University of Manchester, Keele University, Staffordshire University and The Higher Education Academy
The ScienceCaseNet website, a project directed by Patricia Marsteller , PI Emory University and Clyde Herreid, Co-PI University at Buffalo.
Case It! website by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (NSF funded) with virtual lab experiences that can be downloaded
and others already mentioned
e-mail Best Practices
This maybe a bit off track but I still think it can be usefull for many, at least to circulate it around the people you receive e-mails from to try to reduce the amount of irrelevant items in your inbox.
1. Reducing the number of emails in circulation
Do you want to reduce the number of emails you get? A good start is to reduce the number you send. Think before you send an email. Is it the best way to communicate? Would it be easier to phone or meet in person? Think about putting up information on your unit's web pages or on news and events systems. Restrict your use of email mailing lists to messages about University business - however interesting and/or worthwhile your activities off-campus may be. Think before replying to or forwarding an email. Do you really need to reply at all or send it on? If you find yourself getting into a repetitive email dialogue, consider two things: cut out copy recipients, and try speaking in person instead. Make sure that people copied in actually need to know what is being sent. Email makes copying messages too easy: don't copy people in "just in case". When replying, don't send a "reply to all" unless it is necessary for all copy recipients to know your response. Unless the email asks for an acknowledgement, don't send one.2. Sending emails to the right people
Mailing lists provide useful groupings to target messages to the right groups of people. But don't misuse mailing groups by emailing with a 'scattergun' approach. Make clear if you are sending an email to a person in their role, e.g. as 'head of department'. That will help them to organise and manage emails. (See section 3 on making email content clear.) Don't use 'heads of unit' as post boxes. People should be asked to cascade information only if they themselves need to know the information first, or have useful context to add in sending it on to their teams.
SOURCE: University of Sussex
(more tips on how to write and handle e-mails on their web and the links included below)
Beyond the pay-wall
Mind the gap, hit the pay-wall, and you haven’t seen it all yet. I wonder:
why would a scientist publish with a journal that is not even going to provide their e-mail as corresponding author. Yes, it will be, most probably, available somewhere on-line but, is it ethical to put an extra requirement to those that are already limited by pay-walls? Which kind of scientific community are we building?
The Four Pillars of Learning
These are the Four Pillars of Education, described in Chapter 4 of the UNESCO report Learning: The Treasure Within.
Learning to know
Learning to do
Learning to live together
Learning to be
Four ‘Pillars of Learning’ for the Reorientation and Reorganization of Curriculum: Reflections and Discussions - Zhou Nan-Zaho.
The take of the 2nd APEC Education Reform Syposium: 21st Century Skills for All.