How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists by Jennifer Raff
Evaluating Information on the Web by the National Network for Immunization Information
Being a researcher my training in how to teach was (is) near zero. Lucky me I have interacted with wonderful peers that are a great source of inspiration and information, and I am part of several active learning communities. I have decided to put everything together here to make it easier for you (and me) to walk this path.
How to read and understand a scientific paper: a guide for non-scientists by Jennifer Raff
Evaluating Information on the Web by the National Network for Immunization Information
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Case Studies in the science class:
A toolkit oriented to Sustainability Education by University of Manchester, Keele University, Staffordshire University and The Higher Education Academy
The ScienceCaseNet website, a project directed by Patricia Marsteller , PI Emory University and Clyde Herreid, Co-PI University at Buffalo.
Case It! website by the University of Wisconsin-River Falls (NSF funded) with virtual lab experiences that can be downloaded
and others already mentioned