DNA Replication and Repair Images

This collection of images by prof. Allen Gathman is making my life much easier these days and I hope they can help some other people too.
(sorry for the bias; I guess I can’t help being a molecular geneticist:)

Social Issues in and for Biology Teaching

Issue-Oriented Science: Using Socioscientific Issues to Engage Biology Students by Laura Lenz and Maia K. Willcox The American Biology Teacher 74(8):551-556. 2012 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/abt.2012.74.8.4

The SENCER Model Series

The SENCER models are curricular approaches to improving science learning and supporting engagement with complex issues. Through the "lens" of a matter or set of matters of public consequence, a SENCER model course or program teaches science that is both challenging and rigorous. The SENCER approach requires students to engage in serious scientific reasoning, inquiry, observation, and measurement. SENCER courses and programs connect scientific knowledge to public decision-making, policy development, and the effective "work" of citizenship. SENCER approaches encourage students to engage in research, to produce knowledge, to develop answers, as well as to appreciate the uncertainty and provisionality of the knowledge and answers produced.

Discovery-Based Science Education

I am not sure if I’ve put this reference before, but it doesn’t hurt repeating in any case. Dr. Banerjee has a very interesting way of approaching science education in UCLA:

Discovery-Based Science Education: Functional Genomic Dissection in Drosophila by Undergraduate Researchers, PLOS Biology 2005 February; 3(2): e59

Assessment in Science Courses

The CURE survey (classroom undergraduate research experiences) designed for disciplinary courses. 

The RISC survey (research on the integrated science curriculum) is a variation of the CURE survey pinned towards interdisciplinary or integrated courses.

Women in Science

Tons of publications about women in the sciences at the Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT)

Tools for Teaching Science

Interesting supporting materials for the teaching of science in middle and high school at carolina.com

Making women visible on-line

A practical toolkit and plenty other resources prepared by the UKRC, the UK's lead organisation for the provision of advice, services and policy consultation to build gender equality and diversity in science,  engineering, technology and the built environment (SET).


Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Grading Rubric for Online Discussions


Handbook on Teaching

The Fundamentals of College and University Teaching by Steven Mintz the Director of Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Teaching Center at Columbia University