Integración estudiantes con discapacidad

La Universidad de Valencia tiene algunos recursos para facilitar la atención a estudiantes con discapacidad


Blogs and Columns at the Diversity Executive website


The work of Dr. Kevin Nadal, Dr. Stanley Sue and Dr. D.W. Sue is a good place to start.

A short article about Dr. D.W. Sue's book. The ever present case of "What did you say?"
To combat microaggressions, Sue said it’s important for diversity executives to increase awareness. Make the invisible visible; then provide training and allow the voices of minorities to be heard. Focus groups to share workforce experiences also can help.
And the book itself: Microagression in everyday life. Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation

Overcoming Microagressions in Educational Institutions. Dr. D. W. Sue. Nov 2010. It's a 2 hour Lecture, but the first minutes per se are highly recommendable.


The Urban League of Greater Madison is transforming Greater Madison into the Best Place in the Midwest for everyone to LEARN by building a pipeline of high quality cradle to career educational services that impact the entire family, eliminate the achievement and education gaps, move all children towards high performance, and prepare youth and adults for post-secondary and career success.

The mission of Reality Changers is to provide inner-city youth from disadvantaged backgrounds with the resources to become first generation college students by providing academic support, finantial assistance, and leadership training.

Team buiding tools

Team-Maker and CATME were developed and are currently maintained with support from the National Science Foundation in the United States and are free for instructional use in educational settings.

International students

Andrade, 2010; Increasing accountability: faculty perspectives on the English Language Competence of Nonnative English Speakers

Beykont and Daiute, 2002; Inclusiveness in Higher Education Courses: International Student Perspectives

O'Rourke, 1993; Grading the Work of Non-native Speakers of English


The web Pathways to Science seeks to connect underrepresented groups with STEM programs, funding, mentoring and resources.It's an initiative of the Institute for Broadening Participation a non-profit organization created to design and implement strategies to increase access to STEM education and careers for diverse underrepresented groups.

Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) was initiated in 2001 under the National Science Foundation's CCLI national dissemination track. Since then, SENCER has established and supported an ever-growing community of faculty, students, academic leaders, and others to improve undergraduate STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education by connecting learning to critical civic questions. SENCER is the signature program of the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement, which was established in affiliation with Harrisburg University of Science and Technology.

Ocean Discovery Institute is a Non-profit that seeks to transform students' lifes through science

More women in science

Some references from the Center for Teaching at the Vanderbilt University:

Tips for Teachers: Sensitivity to Women in the Contemporary Classroom: From The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard University, this article provides helpful strategies for instructors concerned about gender issues in the classroom. Several specific recommendations given to insure an inclusive environment.

Academic Support for Women in Science and Engineering: Susan Montgomery (Chemical Engineering) and Martha Cohen Barrett (Center for the Study of Higher and Postsecondary Education) present critical factors that have been found to influence the learning experiences of undergraduate women studying science and engineering. They also offer suggestions for improving the academic environment that are applicable to all students. This link is provided by The Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan.

Book Review: Women Faculty of Color in the White Classroom, edited by Lucila Vargas.

Book Review: Women in the Classroom: Cases for Reflection. Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning, Harvard University: 1996.

Intergroup Dialogue

Nagda and Derr 2004, Intergroup Dialogue: Embracing difference and conflict, Engendering community; Chapter in W. Stephan & P. Vogt (Eds.). Learning together: Intergroup relations programs. New York: Teachers College Press.

Dessel et al. 2006; Using Intergroup Dialogue to Promote Social Justice and Change

Nagda and Zúñiga 2003; Fostering Meaningful Racial Engagement Through Intergroup Dialogues

Nagda, B. et al. 2009. Evaluating intergroup dialogue: Engaging diversity for personal and social responsibility. Diversity & Democracy, 12(1), 4-6.

Well-rounded students

Heather Wilson analyses how narrow the curricula of American students is getting on the Washington Post opinion article Our Superficial Scholars.
Our great universities seem to have redefined what it means to be an exceptional student. They are producing top students who have given very little thought to matters beyond their impressive grasp of an intense area of study.
Perhaps faculty members are themselves more narrowly specialized because of pressure to publish original work in ever more obscure journals.
Richard H. Hersh proposes A Well-Rounded Education for a Flat World at the Educational Leadership magazine. The draft of the project can be found at the Bringing Theory to Practice website.

The Association of American Colleges and Universities presents its own view of A well-rounded Education for a Flat World including Promoting and Protecting Mental Health as Flourishing.

Effects of inequality

The unnatural causes website asks, is inequality making us sick?

Technology in the classroom

David Glenn weighs the pros and cons about Divided attention at the Chronicle of Higher Education 
"Heavy multitaskers are often extremely confident in their abilities," says Clifford I. Nass, a professor of psychology at Stanford University. "But there's evidence that those people are actually worse at multitasking than most people."
The CIRTL network has a quarter long course on the Effective Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning

The Elluminate website has plenty of resources for moderators and participants on virtual classes

Science Reports

The UNESCO Science Report 2010, a periodic review of the state of science around the world through the eyes of an independent team of experts.

The Science, Technology and Industry Outlook reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation in OECD countries and a number of major emerging economies including Brazil, China, India, Russia and South Africa. OECD STI 2010

Inclusive teaching

Tanner, 2010; Order matters: using the 5E model to align teaching with learning

Kate MacLean writes and Inclusive teaching guide for elementary school

This two-page paper is A MUST. Easy to read, full of useful information, clear, precise, just what scientist need! Barger, 2005; Strategies for Inclusive and Effective Teaching

Fostering campus diversity

UCSD - Final report - Advisory committee on increasing yield of underrepresented students. March 2007

Do UC Us? - The Black Student Union of UCSD in conjunjuction with the Black/Afrikan Student Unions, Alliances and Assemblies of several UCs.

Wade-Golden and Matlock, 2007; Ten core ingredients for fostering campus diversity success.

Teaching-related professional development

Doctoral and Postdoctoral STEM Teaching-Related Professional Development: Effects on Training and Early Career Periods. WCER working paper N.2007-8; October 2007

Brower et. al 2007  A Learning Community Model of Graduate Student Professional Development for Teaching Excellence in Higher Education. 

Effects of diversity

Nemeth, C. (1985). Dissent, group processes and creativity. In E. Lawler (Ed.), Advances in Group Processes Theory and Research (57-75). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.

Goncalo and Staw, (2005). Individualism-colectivism and group creativity.

Astin, A. (1993). Diversity and multiculturalism on campus. How are students affected?

Handout for the Plenary session National Association of bar Executives. Nemeth, C. The benefits of diversity and dissent.

Nemeth, C. (1995). Dissent as driving cognition, attitudes and judgments. Social Cognition, 13, 273-291.

Simma Lieberman writes a short post on the Benefits of Diversity

Coustaut, 2007; Diversity as Inclusion, Diversity as Excellence

Smith and Schonfeld, 2000; The Benefits of Diversity. What the Research Tells Us. (available at UC e-links)

How people learn

The National Research Council 1999 report "How people learn: brain, mind, experience, and school."

Prince, 2004; Does active learning work? A review of the research.

Unconscious bias

Susan T. Fiske writes about how prejudice is hardwired in our brains but we can override it, Are we born racist?

Test yourself at Project Implicit, a collaborative research effort between researchers at Harvard University, the University of Virginia, and University of Washington.

The Teaching Tolerance Project gives plenty of background and  explains many concepts and also connects to the implicit project tests.

Havard's Derek Bok Center For Teaching & Learning has a guide for teaching in (racially) diverse classrooms

Books on teaching

Scientific teaching Interesting Chapter 2: Active learning and Chapter 4: Diversity

Reaching All Students Resource Book; pdf available on CIRTL website

BILD 95 Winter 2011

Reader for BILD95 winter 2011 Intergroup Dialogue: Skills for building effective multicultural research teams.

Mervis J. 2010. Better Intro Courses Seen as Key to Reducing Attrition of STEM Majors. Science 330:306-.

McCormick, D. W. (1999). Listening With Empathy: Taking the Other Person's Perspective. In A. Cooke, A. Craig, B. Greig, & M. Brazzel (Eds.). (pp. 57-60). Reading Book for Human Relations Training. Arlington, VA: NTL Institute.

Bidol, P. (1986). Interactive communication. In P. Bidol, L. Bardwell, & N. Manring (Eds.), Alternative environmental conflict management approaches: A citizen’s model, (pps. 205-209). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan School of Natural Resources.

Beverly Daniel Tatum, Ph.D. The complexity of identity: “Who am I?” In Why are all of the blacks sitting together in the cafeteria? And Other Conversations About Race, revised edition (New York, NY: Basic Books, 2003): Chapter 2, pp. 18-28.

Harro, B. (2000). The Cycle of Socialization. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, R. Casteñeda, H. Hackman, M. Peters, X. Zúñiga (Eds.), Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An anthology on racism, antisemitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism (pp. 463-469). NY: Routledge.

Enrico, D. (1995, Sept.). Bridges: How I learned I wasn't Caucasian. Glamour (p. 6).

Pharr, S. (1997). Common elements of oppression. In Homophobia: A weapon of sexism. Hoboken, NJ: Chardon Press.

Lorde, Audre (1996). There is no hierarchy of oppression. In J. Andrzejewski (Ed.), Oppression and social justice: Critical frameworks, (5th Ed, p. 51). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing.

Pincus, F. (2000). Discrimination comes in many forms: Individual, institutional, and structural. In M. Adams, W.J. Blumenfeld, R. Casteñeda, H. Hackman, M. Peters, X. Zúñiga (Eds.), Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An anthology on racism, antisemitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism (pp. 31-35). NY: Routledge.

Anzaldúa, G. E. (2000). Allies. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, R. Castañeda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters & X. Zúñiga (Eds.), Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An anthology on racism, antisemitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism (pp. 475-477). NY: Routledge.

Sherover-Marcuse, R. (2000). Working assumptions and guidelines for alliance building. In M. Adams, W. J. Blumenfeld, R. Castañeda, H. W. Hackman, M. L. Peters & X. Zúñiga (Eds.), Readings for Diversity and Social Justice: An anthology on racism, antisemitism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and classism (pp. 486-487). NY: Routledge.

Nagda, B., Gurin, P., Sorensen, N.,& Zúñiga, X. (2009). Evaluating intergroup dialogue: Engaging diversity for personal and social responsibility. Diversity & Democracy, 12(1), 4-6.


The Chronicle of Higher Education job search


SABER jobs site

News webs

Inside Higher Ed

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Hechinger Report

Diversity Executive newsletter

Resources webs

Diversity website at Arizona State University (ASU)

Resources site at the CIRTL network website

Diversity Blog at

Rihcard Felder's website on Resources in Science and Engineering Education

Diversity and Inclusive teaching in the Center for Teaching at the Vanderbilt University

Training sources

Courses offered by the CIRTL network

CTD programs

FIRST IV Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching

Intergroup Relations Opportunities for Faculty and Staff at UCSD Intergroup Relations Program

On-line live classes on the use of Elluminate software for virtual classes

Race incidents

Race at Alabama, Inside Higher Ed Feb 11, 2011


Diversity in Higher Education - HigherEdJobs

Sparkling conversations about diversity

Steve L. Robbins books and resources

HigherEdjobs includes some articles on Looking beyond Race and Gender

Social Identity Wheel adapted from Voices of Discovery

The Chronicle of Higher Education facts and figures

"Fish is fish." by Leo Lionni

"Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria?" by Beverly Daniel Tatum; Chapter 2 "Who am I?" is available here

White antiracist writer Tim Wise has a few words to say

Increasing Diversity in STEM disciplines

Agogino et al, 2001;  Theater  helps transforming climate in engineering.

Tanner and Allen, 2007;  Cultural Competence in the College Biology Classroom.

Reducing the gaps

Miyake et al. 2010; Reducing the Gender Achievement Gap in College Science: A Classroom Study of Values Affirmation

Gerardo Ramirez et al. 2011;Writing About Testing Worries Boosts Exam Performance in the Classroom

Cohen et al. 2009; Recursive Processes in Self-Affirmation: Intervening to Close the Minority Achievement Gap

Attrition in STEM disciplines

Unintended consequences: how science professors discourage women of color - Johnson, 2007

Better intro courses seen as key to reducing attrition of STEM majors - Meyers, 2010

Why aren't they learning?

I won't learn from you. Thoughts of the role of assent in learning - Herbert Kohl


The University of Washington offers instructor and students perspectives together with some strategies and resources
Perspectives: What excludes students?

Women in science (or in a more general context)

Nature news talks about the real gap in the sciences Science gender gap probed

PNAS article on women's underrepresentation in science Understanding current causes of women's underrepresentation in science

The Atlantic gives a different analysis of the future of gender issues The end of men

The New York Times talks about the few women that make it to tenure positions Keeping women in science on a tenure track

Ben A. Barres commentary on Nature Does gender matter?

Harvard Business Review touches upon Why men still get more promotions than women

Londa Schiebinger writes a whole book asking Has feminism changed science? and also a short article under the same title

Peggy A. Pritchard edits Success strategies for women in science. A portable mentor

The AAAS and L'Oreal 2010 booklet on Women in Science: Forging New Paths in Green Science is available in pdf or ebook for those iPAD-like gadget users.

Cecily Cannan Selby asks Does bias in science hold women back?
P Moguerou (2002). Job Satisfaction among US PhDs: The Effects of Gender and Employment Sectors (Working Paper)

Teaching philosophy

Article in the Chronicles of Higher Education about writing a teaching philosophy
4 steps to a memorable teaching philosophy 

The center for teaching and learning at UM gives a Step by step approach to writing a teaching philosophy statement
Writing your teaching philosophyhttp

The University Centre for the Advancement of Teaching at Ohio State University writes on how to write a teaching philosophy statement 
teaching portfolio

From the AAAS Science careers section
Writing the Teaching Statement